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B.A.D 5 Senses

Naturally Curious

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Salt, Sun & Sand Addiction

Vitamin Sea!! A vitamin that supplements sunshine, sand, seawater, self-esteem boosting photos, and many more to the people in this digital era. Me, obviously living in this digital era, duel with such vitamin deficiency pretty much just like most people. Growing up having frequent beach visits contributed to the increased decay rate of vitamin sea in me.Just not long ago, I've picked up a new excuse to visit the ocean more often. As the scuba diving guidebook advised to dive actively and me being a compliant student, diving had took up more than half of my travels annually.Here're some of my thoughts about diving, the ocean and me

1. Diving brings back memories of science class Physics of buoyancy, air-pressure, etc. brought back memories of science experiments in class and how we created havoc with it.

2. Dive computer is a good investment After my first 5 dives, I've decided to get my own dive computer to ease my dives. Delegating some minor tasks underwater to it, I'm able to focus on more crucial things like not crashing into corals. My bright lime green Suunto D4i Novo also act as a marker on me while underwater. Finding B.A.D underwater is now easier!

3. I'm not water confident Although I've been paying frequent visits to the sea since young, I somehow still have the fear being underwater. My swimming skills were self-developed and hence, I never knew a better way of dealing with issues in the open water. You can never run out of luck seeing a bubble breathing dragon when you dive with me.

4. Ocean is ever changing, same spot could be totally different due to weather, tide, current, waves,etc. I've noticed this on my first few dives where we went to the same dive site and followed the same dive plan but the experience was totally different. I fall in love with the dive site the 1st time i was there, but when i was back the 2nd time, I felt like I'm at a totally new place.

5. Marine life are more timid than you think, and they can appear like nothing you have imagined before. Media had ill-presented the behaviour of most marine life by broadcasting the extreme minority. Though every living organism has its own defensive mechanism, most of them choose to flea than to confront when they have a choice. Just like how humans dislike personal space intrusion, all you need to do is keep a distance.

6. The competitive me is driving myself to improve the skill Till date i believe I'm the one that spent the most on going for diving trips among my diving classmates. I believe in practice makes perfect and I would 1 day dive as relax as they do and consume air underwater as slow as they do. #scubadiving #sea #myopinion #marinelifeawareness

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I'm B.A.D, A person with multiple interest ranging from artsy day dreaming to nerdy scientific deep thinking. I enjoy the process of travelling, however, chances of long travels are scarce due to quotidian tie downs.


Torn between Free-spirited travel bug and conformist white collar, my mind often wander in the opposite realm while I'm in another. I've been fond of photographing my experiences just like the others. That aside, outdoor have always been my preference. Bumping me in a mall is as hard as hitting the lottery.


Here, I shall share my artsy daydreams and my nerdy deep thoughts, just to contribute some content to the network and data lakes. Cheers!!

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